I watch the class but not yet the case study 1 and 2 , when I wake up( 3 :43 here) I will end it . The problem is that for argertina standar all that things are too expensive. Let s just say that the Baskerville or Alfa cost 2 or 3 classes(30 dolars). So unfortunatly we the dog behavorist have to adapt the security measures to the client’s pocket.
The fake dog here cost twice more that the baskerville because is bizzard and and you cant buy it everywhere…
If I live in USA or Australia, well yes I will use all of that things that he name it.
The only thing that I can t share is the possibilty of euthanasia , the worst case scenario , we re homing the dog or I suggest my client start with psychologist if she is too colapse and is overwhelming …. A place to care the dogs one days , with agressive issue cost more than the dog behavorist classes.
Hi Michael I am signed up to do the course in January and was hoping for a few resources on resource guarding for puppies please.
I watch the class but not yet the case study 1 and 2 , when I wake up( 3 :43 here) I will end it . The problem is that for argertina standar all that things are too expensive. Let s just say that the Baskerville or Alfa cost 2 or 3 classes(30 dolars). So unfortunatly we the dog behavorist have to adapt the security measures to the client’s pocket.
The fake dog here cost twice more that the baskerville because is bizzard and and you cant buy it everywhere…
If I live in USA or Australia, well yes I will use all of that things that he name it.
The only thing that I can t share is the possibilty of euthanasia , the worst case scenario , we re homing the dog or I suggest my client start with psychologist if she is too colapse and is overwhelming …. A place to care the dogs one days , with agressive issue cost more than the dog behavorist classes.